When you groom your pet, it is important to incorporate nail care into the routine. Untrimmed nails can be a problem whether it’s scratching up floors and furniture to deformed feet for your pet. In some cases, pain and discomfort can also accrue. (Consider weekly or by-weekly pedicures for your pet)
When is it time?
When your dog walks for instance, if you hear a little pitter patter, in other words, a clicking sound of nails hitting the floor, you’ll know for sure it’s time for a trim. But, with proper weekly nail care for your dog, it shouldn’t reach that point. For cats it can be jumping up or sitting on your lap kneading. You may even notice damage to your walls or furniture. When will I need?
First, invest in a good pair of dog nail trimmers for an appropriate size for your pets nails. Cat nail clippers for cats or puppy size will be satisfactory. With the right size nail trimmers, they can last a very long time. Replace clipper after a year if used on a weekly basis or two years if used on a monthly basis. Next you will need a septic power for any accidents that may happen. Finally a good file board to smooth out any rough edges.
Incorporate nail care into your dog’s weekly or monthly routine. Not only is it good for proper care, it will alert you to possible foot problems which may be lurking.
If you are NOT an accomplish nail care trimming pro, please visit your us and we will either assist you in showing your proper technique or will do the trimming for you. Be careful not to cut too close to the quick and don’t forget the dewclaws!! If they haven’t been removed on your dog, dewclaws are approximately one to four inches above the feet on the inner side of the legs. If they’re not trimmed, they can grow incredibly long to curl up and grow into the soft tissue, not unlike an ingrown toenail.
So, once you incorporate weekly, by-weekly or monthly nail care into your pet’s grooming routine, it will become a habit for both you and your pet. At Haute Dogs & Glitzy Paws nothing is more important than your pets’ health and overall well being.
For more information about nail care for your pet, call us at 281-353-4347 or visit us at http://www.hautedogsglitzypaws.com/
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Heehee! Just a friendly note from a Vet Tech: The captions for the 2 pictures of cat with ingrown nail & maltipoo with broken nail, it says: ingrown declaw, broken declaw. But the word you're looking for is "dewclaw". Declaw means nail removal, where a vet surgically removes the animals whole nail.
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